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Thanksgiving is defined as expression of gratitude. The difference between the secular / unbelievers and believers are that the secular / unbeliever give thanks when something is given but a believer is expected to give thanks in everything. This should be applied in our marriage, relationship and home.
1 Thess 5 vs 18- In everything give thanks because this is the will of god concerning us.
“Thanks” is always in plural which means more than 1 – once
Without thanksgiving your tanks will never be full. And it is a car that has a full tank that can travel far. Same with our destiny. People who give thanks to God at all times have their tanks full and thereby go far in life
If you cannot find reason or anything to thank God for, everyday, every hour or every minute, please thank Him for the free air given to us. You are breathing it anywhere you are, no boundaries and not affected by exchange rate or government. You can imagine if it’s determine by an earthly govt, it would have been withheld from millions.
One thing amazing about the Western world is lots of thank is said even in daily activities. Example of going to a shop to spend your cash and retail assistant help you to pack, even though it is your money you spend but the service must always be complimented by say “Thank you—————–“
There are some code that you must possess to access no matter how intelligent or skilful you are. The Bible says in Psalm 100 vs 4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise, be thankful unto Him
Every door / gate has a key ——————— The key to the gate and door of where the “I AM “ lives is Praise and Thanksgiving Praise is the senior brother of thanksgiving.
The more praise-full you are the more wonderful you become
I Cor 4 vs 15: For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God
(all these miracles, all these covenant and promises are for us)
Philippian 4 vs 6 be anxious for nothing but in every situation by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving —————
Thanksgiving is the last digit of God’s telephone line
- Solomon choose to give a thousand burnt offerings (Thanksgiving) ; 2 chronicles 1 vs 6 And Solomon went up thither to the brazen altar before the Lord —– and offered a thousand burnt offerings —
Vs 7 God appeared in the night —– Ask what I shall give thee
- One of the Lepers: Luke 17 vs 15 -16 One of them seeing he was healed turned back and with a loud voice glorifed God and fell down at His feet giving Him thanks
Vs 19 : Jesus said thy faith hath made thee whole
- David showed gratitude in songs and dance ; 2 Samuel 6 vs 14- And David danced before the Lord. God was so please with him that He established his throne forever.
Each of this 3 examples mentioned above received irreversible blessings
Let us look at our Lord Jesus approaches to thanksgiving. Mt 14 vs 13 – 21
Vs 14- Jesus saw a great multitude
Vs 15 – the disciples said they should be sent away
Vs 16 – Jesus said they need to be fed
We also know the story of Lazarus: John 11 vs 41
- Feed on the Word of God: Josh 1 vs 8- This is the law meditate on it day and night —
Psalm 1 vs 2: But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law doth he meditate day and night
Dan: 9 vs 2 – I Daniel understood by books
2 Tim 2 vs 15 – Study to shew thyself approve
You don’t switch on the light in the room by speaking in tongues but by locating the switch, after the same other you need to locate the Word of God to shine. The more of His Word the higher is your faith and your testimonies which fuels thanksgiving
- Share your testimonies and read or listen to other people’s testimonies
Pray always. Luke 18 vs 1- Men ought to pray always and not to pray. It is not what you hear that makes you but what you do with what you hear. James 1 vs 22 But be you doers of the Word and not hearers only. Pray for the grace to do
- Seek help of the Holy Spirit; Zech 4 vs 6- Not by might nor by power but by the Spirit
- Make yourself joyous- Joy attracts God while sorrow attracts satan Depression start with one negative thought
- Sin: Until you permit sin, sin cannot permeate you. Sin enters because you allow it.If you don’t kill the thought, it will become an act. And sin is a sinker of destiny
- The dictionary defines it as a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievement. Thereby you take God’s doing for grantedOur daily prayer should be father help me
- Doubt / Double minded:
Fear: One thing that is common with fear and faith is that both of them want you to believe that something you cannot see is about to happen to you. It is now which you think or meditate on that will be watered to germinate or come to pass. Every Word carries a Spirit, it is either the spirit of God or Satanic
- Magnification of Issue brings fear and doesn’t allow for thanksgiving E.g David and Goliath
- Bad association: Psalm 1 vs 1- Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
I pray for the understanding to always live a lifestyle of thanksgiving.